Slides paintings 2007-2009.
During 10 years preceding these paintings I was unable to focus on my work, as I was raising my teenage children and caring for my elderly mother who had developed dementia. After her death my children became more independent and I slowly got used to being in the studio again. I experimented with old themes and developed new ideas. Using freely flowing paint sliding over a slippery surface and improvising painting tools I felt my creative energy return as I developed these images while thinking about time and synchronicity.
The Slide paintings began with the painting above , when my arm slid a sponge laden with paint across the smooth surface of a large canvas I had reprimed..... one which my 6 year old daughter had "helped" me with 10 years earlier.
I like this painting because the earlier endeavor is part of its history and contributed to the loose gestural approach.
The looping striped lines with active intersections are an organic approach to the themes previously explored in the 80s in y Networks and Memory Structures series.
During 10 years preceding these paintings I was unable to focus on my work, as I was raising my teenage children and caring for my elderly mother who had developed dementia. After her death my children became more independent and I slowly got used to being in the studio again. I experimented with old themes and developed new ideas. Using freely flowing paint sliding over a slippery surface and improvising painting tools I felt my creative energy return as I developed these images while thinking about time and synchronicity.
The Slide paintings began with the painting above , when my arm slid a sponge laden with paint across the smooth surface of a large canvas I had reprimed..... one which my 6 year old daughter had "helped" me with 10 years earlier.
I like this painting because the earlier endeavor is part of its history and contributed to the loose gestural approach.
The looping striped lines with active intersections are an organic approach to the themes previously explored in the 80s in y Networks and Memory Structures series.